Wait, a Tie?!

After being rained out last week, kickball was back at Norbuck this week and teams were ready to get back in the groove of things. Teams were drinking and grilling in between and after games while they socialize with each other. As the playoffs are creeping up on us, teams like All My Pitches Love Me were battling to try and secure a spot.

All My Pitches Love Me has struggled throughout this season, but their energy is still positive and confident. This week, they faced off against our undefeated team, Kick in a Box. A tough matchup for All My Pitches, but they didn’t back down one bit. This game was a low scoring, back and forth game as no one could really gain momentum. Time expired and guess what, we have a tie! All My Pitches put up a fight against our top team and earned themselves a tie and movement up the standings! Congrats!

Team – All My Pitches Love Me

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