Rain, Rain, Go Away!

The opening week has finally arrived in our first Sunday softball league in LoneStar history. The weather tried to put another scare on everyone but the LoneStar App was lit green throughout the morning and players and officials were pumped up to get out there. The sun lit up the open ended softball field and the four team league battled it out in their two season openers.

All teams played well in their welcoming bouts but none stood out more than Menace 2 Sobriety, especially in regards to team spirit. Their fan base may not have been big in stature or age, yet their main motivator on the sideline had a nickname picked out for every person on the team before the game was even over. The influential young man provided enough spark for the 8 available to play and they pulled it out this evening 13-5. Everyone in the league ended up going to the bar afterwards to enjoy some post game drinks.

Team – Menace 2 Sobriety


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